You in an interview!
We look at your presentation as an employer through the lens of women and want to make your corporate culture approachable and tangible for them.
Your initiatives for equality and diversity can be as good as you like – the important thing is that your target group notices them. For this, personal interviews are perfect, because they provide an insight into the company which couldn‘t be more authentic.
Our interviews are divided into three content categories:
Interview Plus format
In addition, you can also get a plus in terms of reach: Aside from the website and our social media channels, there is also the possibility that the role models of your company become active as mentors and/or partners for an exchange – a win-win situation for everyone who is involved! We will conduct the interview with one personality per interview format.
TIP: It is best to let women from roles that you would like to assign to other women, or women with a certain beacon function, have their say in the interview formats.
Where we publish your interviews:
Website, social media and newsletter
All interviews are automatically available on the website in our Learn & Connect community section. This means that we also share the link to this interview on all our social media channels and (one-time-only) in our newsletter (please see page 23 for our reach). If you have opted for a Plus-Format, you will receive even more coverage by being introduced as a mentor and/or a partner for an exchange.
Additional advertising options
If you want to achieve an even higher reach, you can book the following ad formats for the following channels:
- Advertising booster:
We will give you interview/podcast/Academy post (on Instagram or LinkedIn) additional attention beyond the herCAREER Community - Image ad in newsletter:
400 x 400 pixel plus text with up to 600 characters incl. spaces - Stand-Alone-Newsletter:
only with your content - Banner placement on our website
Interview – herEXPERIENCE
Your employees are role models? Yes, of course! Our goal is for them to share their personal experiences, from which other women benefit while they also build a solid foundation of trust in your brand. We will send you three questions that you or your employees will answer in written form. You can also book an upgrade, where we will advise you over the phone on the sharpening of the topic.
As part of an upgrade, we identify your issue over the phone, ask three questions, and immediately transcribe the answers so you can release them directly. This includes a correction loop.
What experiences do we interview you about?
Experiences are diverse and so are our questions. Our community is particularly interested in questions such as:
- How can I manage a career through a lateral entry into the tech industry?
- How can digital leadership and modern personnel management succeed?
- What is already possible with artificial intelligence today?
- How do I deal with power games at work?
- Why is courage a success factor?
The specific process and what we need from you can be found in the Download “Checklist: Interview” in the Media Library.
You can find current examples of herEXPERIENCE on our website.
Interview – herWHY
For many of us it is not easy to recognize the “why”, the meaningful purpose behind our work. This is why we need an inspiring exchange with people who know their “why” very well. In the herWHY interview, employees of your company get the opportunity to talk about their “why” and describe the benefits they bring to the company. This way, we point out exciting career paths and role models even off the beaten track – all of which your brand promotes with a herWHY interview. We will send you the questions below and ask you to reply via written answers.
Our questions about your why:
- Why did you choose the company where you currently work?
- What is your “why” for what you do? What drives you in terms of content and personally?
- In what ways / in what areas can you shape the company?
- Which are the three professional competencies you should bring to the job?
- Which of your talents can you use particularly well in this job?
As part of an upgrade, the herCAREER’s editorial team asks the five questions over the phone and
immediately transcribes the answers so you can release them directly.
A correction loop is included in this process.
You can find current examples of herWHY on our website.
Interview – herPERSONALITY
What makes a personality? Which path has she taken and what hurdles has she had to overcome along the way? These are questions that concern every woman who wants to develop herself personally. Let us tell the personal story of one or more ambassadors of your brand together and make it accessible to a broad audience! For this purpose, we will interview your company’s ambassadors in detail over the phone, publish the written interview on our website at and
share it widely via our newsletter and social media channels. Special offer with herPERSONALITY: A press release is included!
For women who meet the following personal characteristics:
- inspiring
- groundbreaking
- future-oriented
- network-oriented
- thinking differently
And what are you and your employees?
You can find current examples of herPERSONALITY on our website.
Reach and proximity at the same time:
The Interview Plus formats
You can turn your content participation in our community – whether at the expo or on our digital platforms – into an even more tangible support for women while at the same time increasing the reach of your brand. How? Let the interview partners become mentors and/or partners for an exchange! From experience we know that mentors in particular are always very well received in the Learn & Connect community area. This just shows how much support through knowledge, experience and
networks is needed!
What is the advantage for you?
Through interviews, women become aware of your company. They can establish a personal relationship with both your employees and possible future colleagues even before they apply to your company. This is particularly the case if you want to take advantage of the free Interview-Plus-Formats, which we present to you in
detail below. In everything we do for you, we want to support you in presenting your advantages and initiatives for Gender Equality in such an authentic way that no questions remain unanswered.
How will we proceed?
The interview partner has been introduced through the interview. At the end of the interview, we present topics on which the interview partner is available for an exchange to the community; the women can then apply for mentoring or exchange. In the following, we will introduce you to these two formats in detail. Always with this in mind: More support for our community – more reach for you! Win-win!
Note: The interviews are published with a wide range of coverage via our herCAREER newsletter as well as via our social media channels
Why and how? More on the topic of mentor and partner for an exchange